Monday, 16 May 2022

PM — Will a US-China bipolar world order emerge?



Happy Monday, friends. It’s hard to believe it’s only Monday, but here we are — and it’s still a relatively busy news week.


Brmaja Innovation raises planned IPO stake: Saudi tech firm Brmaja’s Egypt-based subsidiary Brmaja Innovation is now looking to list 35% of its shares on the EGX within the next few months, up from a planned 20% previously, investment director Ahmed Said confirmed to Enterprise.

^^We’ll have more on this and other stories in tomorrow’s edition of EnterpriseAM.

PSA- Your daily commutes could get a bit pricier as Uber Egypt raises its rates: The ride hailing app announced it is revising upwards its pricing structure “in light of the new record-high fuel prices drivers are facing,” according to an email sent out to its users. In Cairo, the base fare for UberX rides is now EGP 8.50, rising EGP 0.50, while the minimum fare per trip now stands at EGP 14, up from EGP 13 previously. In Alexandria, the base fare is rising by EGP 0.30 to EGP 8.30, while the minimum fare now stands at EGP 12, from EGP 11 previously.


No more Happy Meals in Russia? McDonald’s has “initiated the process” to sell its business in Russia, after operating in the market for three decades, over Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. The fast food chain — which is often viewed as a symbol of American cultural imperialism — cited “the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine, and the precipitating unpredictable operating environment” as reasons for making its continued operation in Russia “no longer tenable,” according to a statement. McDonald’s “expects to record a charge … of approximately USD 1.2-1.4 bn to write off its net investment in the market and recognize significant foreign currency translation losses.” The story is on the front pages of the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Bloomberg, and others.

** CATCH UP QUICK on the top stories from today’s EnterpriseAM:

  • A fresh IMF program could be sealed in a few months: The government expects to reach an agreement with the IMF on a fresh support package “within months,” Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouly said at a presser yesterday.
  • The gov’t is trying to make life easier for tech startups: New rules will sweep aside obstacles for would-be tech entrepreneurs, government officials said yesterday, as part of the Madbouly government’s drive to attract private capital and drive growth of the domestic tech industry. The changes will make it easier for people to set up tech companies and offer a handful of tax exemptions and preferential customs treatment to some companies.
  • Egypt to receive 500k tons of Indian wheat despite export ban: Egypt has agreed to buy 500k tons of wheat from India, Supply Minister Ali El Moselhy said, adding that an export ban introduced by New Delhi last week in response to surging local prices and a severe heat wave will not impact the shipment.


Budget season is in full swing at the House: The House of Representatives will begin holding committee-level discussions of the draft FY 2022-23 budget and economic and social development plan this week, Ahram Online’s Gamal Essam El-Din reports. If approved, the budget will be signed into law by the president. Head here for a refresher on the draft budget’s key figures.

SOUND SMART- Our latest Enterprise Explains column has everything you need to know about how an Excel sheet turns into a budget, and then the law of the land.

Need to get your head around the new e-receipt system? Lynx Strategic Business Advisors are following up their recent webinar on e-invoicing with a session introducing the Finance Ministry’s new e-receipt system, which is set to officially roll out on 1 July. The webinar will feature FinMin tax development advisor Yasser Taymour, as well as reps from Talabat, Jumia, Yoco, and the World Bank. It takes place on 18 May at 12:00-1:30pm CLT. Register here.

Venture capital 101: The Egyptian Private Equity Association (EPEA) is hosting a paid crash course in all things venture capital at the Zamalek Marriott on 21-23 May. Led by Avanz Capital Egypt MD Hany Assaad, the three-day course will cover everything you need to know about Planet VC, from fund structures and portfolio-building to due diligence and valuations.

Check out our full calendar on the web for a comprehensive listing of upcoming news events, national holidays and news triggers.


It’s interest rate week here at home: The Central Bank of Egypt will likely raise interest rates when it meets this Thursday, according to a near consensus of analysts and economists we surveyed last week. Six of the seven respondents see the Monetary Policy Committee going ahead with a rate hike to combat inflation and stem portfolio outflows, with five forecasting rates to rise by up to 200 bps.

☀️ TOMORROW’S WEATHER- Expect a daytime high of 34°C and a nighttime low of 18°C tomorrow in the capital city, our favorite weather app tells us.

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The Milky Way black hole pictured for the very first time: An international team of astronomers managed to give us a first glimpse of the supermassive black hole that lives at the center of our galaxy, captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), the New York Times reported. The photo’s significance lies in the fact that observing a black hole is basically impossible, since no light can escape it. Known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* ), the image was unveiled by the EHT Collaboration last week. For scale, the object is a staggering 4 mn times the mass of the Sun, an EHT team member said during the press conference revealing the image.

Female founders continue to face a fundraising glass ceiling: For every USD 1 women receive in investments in the African startup scene, their male counterparts get USD 25, according to the World Bank. From 2013 through 2021, all-female startup teams only received 3% of the USD 1.7 bn of investments flowing into the continent’s startup scene, compared to the 76% of investments secured by startups with all-male founding teams.

It’s not much better in the Occident: Startups with female-only founders secured only 2.3% of venture capital funding in the US last year, while startups with a mixed-gender founder team earned 14.7% of total VC funding in 2021. Over in Europe, all-male founding teams again secured the lion’s share of VC funding, accounting for 85.3% of the investment pie, compared to 1.1% going towards female-only founding teams and 13.6% for mixed-gender founder teams.



(all times CLT)

A Gothic romantic drama for Tom Hiddleston fans: The Essex Serpent is set in the Victorian period but it feels like a modern-day drama. Based on a 2016 novel by Sarah Perry, the Apple TV+ six-episode mini series is a tense and heartfelt exploration of science, skepticism, faith, and grief, and how much they can all mess with you. It centers on a widow (played by the formidable Claire Danes) who is freshly freed from an abusive relationship and moves from London to Essex with plans to uncover a mysterious, mythical beast that the locals believe is haunting them. In the new town, she befriends the village priest (played by Tom Hiddleston) and despite their divergent beliefs, they begin to fall in love.

Only one English Premier League game today: At 9pm, Newcastle will face Arsenal, who are looking to reclaim their place in the top four at the expense of their north London rival Tottenham.

And two games in Italy’s Serie A: Juventus v Lazio at 8:45pm — a game that does not matter much to the Old Lady who will finish the season in fourth place regardless of the outcome, while Lazio look to increase their points difference with Roma, who is chasing it in sixth place. Fiorentina will face Sampdoria earlier at 6:30pm.

On the home front, Ghazl El-Mahalla vs Eastern Company kicks off at 6:30pm, while Smouha faces Al-Masry at 9pm.


(all times CLT)

Music lovers, head to AUC Tahrir’s Ewart Hall at 7pm today for a celebration of International Jazz Day featuring Egypt's Jazz All-Stars. The event will mark a belated celebration of International Jazz Day, which was officially designated as 30 April by UNESCO, for its artistic power to promote freedom of expression, peace, dialogue, diversity, and respect for human rights.This year’s festivity brings prominent musicians of the Egyptian Jazz scene and will be dedicated to supporting the renovation of Nassibian studio theater, which was destroyed in a tragic fire last year.


Bitter Orange Tree is a beautifully-written exploration of social status, wealth, desire, and female agency. The story offers a glimpse into the life of a young Omani woman living as a university student in Britain, who reflects on the formative relationships in her life and, most notably, her relationship with her grandmother. The book poetically dives into a historical narrative of Bint Amir’s challenged circumstances growing up, her struggles, her life, and her triumphs. Despite being a very concise read, the author Jokha Al Harthi manages to create exceptionally written characters.

Fun fact: Al Harthi was the first Omani woman to have a novel translated into English. Her novel Celestial Bodies was awarded the 2019 Man Booker International Prize and became an international bestseller.



Raya Holding’s net income rose 49.7% y-o-y to EGP 53.59 mn in 1Q2022, according to the company’s quarterly financials (pdf). This came on the back of revenues rising to EGP 4.48 bn, compared with EGP 4.03 bn in the same period last year.

Al Baraka Bank reported EGP 369.38 mn in net income in 1Q2022, up from EGP 269.32 in the same period last year, according to its quarterly financials (pdf). The bank generated EGP 1.87 bn in net interest income during the quarter, up 3.6% y-o-y.


The EGX30 fell 0.7% at today’s close on turnover of EGP 817.87 mn (6.4% below the 90-day average). Local investors were net buyers. The index is down 12.5% YTD.

In the green: EFG Hermes (+3.3%), MM Group (+3.1%) and Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals (+1.1%).

In the red: TMG Holding (-4.7%), Orascom Construction (-4.6%) and Orascom Development Egypt (-4.4%).




What’s next for the global world order? Bipolarity may be in the offing — with the two poles being the US and China, suggests President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics Adam Posen in a discussion with Goldman Sachs. Posen suggests that the dual force of the covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war will “hasten the corrosion” of globalization “as the world becomes increasingly bifurcated into two economic blocs aligned around the US and China.”

What do the twin shocks of covid + war have to do with it? The drawbacks of a world that is deeply integrated on the economic side became particularly evident with the onset of the pandemic, which supplied global supply chains and resulted in delays and shortages, and therefore spiking commodity prices, Posen notes. These effects were exacerbated by the political costs of integration as Russia’s invasion in Ukraine led Western countries to impose a series of sanctions and trade bans to apply pressure on Moscow — but ultimately cut off the supply of critical goods such as oil and gas, wheat, and metals. “Both crises have called into question a multi-decade process that has led to the freer flow of goods, services, people, and ideas around the world. In doing so, they’ve raised the prospect that globalization could reverse in the coming years, potentially leading to greater global fragmentation.”

So is the “golden age,” so to speak, of globalization really behind us? The jury is out. While Posen suggests that globalization is rapidly eroding, other pundits describe the forward trends in less aggressive terms. Goldman Sachs senior global economist Daan Struyven and Goldman Sachs head of global investment research and chief economist Jan Hatzius postulate that we’ve been seeing an era of “slowbalization,” wherein cross-border flows have slowed, and that we’re moving towards “newbalization,” which will see the nature and dynamics of globalization shifting, without a net difference in its pace. Others, such as Harvard Kennedy School of Government Professor Dani Rodrik, suggest that we will see a slowdown — but from a hyperglobalized starting point. “My guess is that we will try to find a happy medium that avoids some of the excesses of hyperglobalization and the dangers of autarky,” Rodrik says.

The hypothesis that we’re entering an era of deglobalization — or decoupling — isn’t necessarily new. Allianz economic advisor Mohamed El Erian is among those who flagged this as a possible scenario moving forward back in the early days of covid-19 in 2020, suggesting that continued globalization would be difficult because of the pandemic, which yielded a geopolitical shock and simultaneously affected corporate behavior. Supply chains are going to continue becoming localized as businesses move away from relying on “just-in-time” models that previously saw them depending greatly on distant markets for much of their inputs and operations, El Erian suggested at the time.

But there is general consensus that “significant reshoring” of critical supply chains isn’t something we’re going to see in the short term. Many companies are opting for oversupplied inventories when they can get their hands on the goods and commodities they need, considering the “punitively high” costs and other shortcomings of reshoring certain supply chains, such as semiconductors. Although the shortage of semiconductors has wreaked havoc for businesses across the world and in Egypt alike, and some major global corporations are investing heavily in domesticating their semiconductor production, it’s a massively capital-intensive venture and requires technology that is not necessarily developed in every market.

How would this new(ish) global order affect the business world?

#1- Global investments: While countries may be forced to be generally aligned with one pole, it would not necessarily mean that engagement with the other pole would be altogether impossible. And businesses would probably be able to continue working in and selling to markets in opposite poles — although they “may need separate lines of production, standards, and networks” for different markets, Posen said. This would translate into a short-term “investment boom” as they pour money into building capacity that would make its operations and markets more independent, which would initially support economic growth, but would eventually “reduce economies of scale and drive down the real economic returns of such investments,” he suggests.

#2- Inflation: Remember that commodities supercycle that was prophesied last year? It could actually materialize soon, this time driven by “great power competition and rising political pressure,” say Goldman Sachs’ commodities researchers and strategists. Deglobalization and a shift towards localized supply chains would fuel price increases by making it pricier to produce physical goods, as “countries trade greater inflationary pressures for security of supply,” they say.

#3- The USD’s status as a global currency: Again, there are diverging views on whether the greenback will hold onto its position as the globally dominant currency, which has been a point of contention for years, and for different reasons (see here and here). As it currently stands, the USD comprises some 59% of global reserves, while the CNY accounts for a very small percentage — but the USD has been “losing ground” over the past few years, and the CNY has been gathering steam. That trajectory could continue to hold up, argues Goldman Sachs co-head of global FX, rates, and EM Strategy Zach Pandl, saying that “US foreign policy choices may discourage heavy reliance on the USD in some cases.” Countries may take the scenario with Russia as a warning that their reserves being USD-heavy could come back to bite in times of crisis, if their relationship with Washington is not on solid ground, Pandl says. At the same time, China has been moving to “modernize and open up its financial system,” leading to an influx of fixed income portfolio investments and stiffer competition to the USD. A possible future trend in the world of finance is a shift towards more non-sovereign assets, such as gold, rather than trying to make the right choice of which currency (CNY vs USD vs EUR) to pile into, suggests Posen.

You can read through the full Top of Mind report here (pdf) or catch the podcast version of Exchanges at Goldman Sachs here (runtime: 27:53).



  • Events with specific dates or months are right here up top
  • Events happening in a quarter or other range of time with no specific date / month appear at the bottom of the calendar.


13-22 May (Friday-Sunday): PSA World Championships, Cairo.

Mid-May: The trial period to extend the Advance Cargo Information (ACI) system to air freight.

16-19 May (Monday-Thursday): HC Brokerage and Avior Capital Markets virtual conference investor conference.

19 May (Thursday): Central Bank of Egypt’s Monetary Policy Committee meeting.

19 May (Thursday): EFG Hermes’ general shareholders’ meeting to discuss, among several things, a capital increase of EGP 973 mn to finance the distribution of bonus shares to the company’s minority shareholders.

23 May (Monday): Lynx Strategic Business Advisors are hosting a webinar titled “Introducing Egypt’s New E-Receipt System.”

25 May (Wednesday): The deadline for private companies to pre-register ahead of bidding for the second phase of the PPP national project to establish and operate 1k language schools.

30-31 May (Monday-Tuesday): Egypt Can with Industry, Cairo, Egypt.

31 May (Tuesday): Last day for EGX-listed companies to file 1Q2022 earnings

31 May (Tuesday): The application deadline for ITIDA’s annual Export IT program.

31 May (Tuesday): Extended deadline for EGX-listed companies to disclose 1Q 2021 earnings.

May: Investment in Logistics Conference, Cairo, Egypt.

May: General Authority for Land and Dry Ports to issue the conditions booklet for the tender to establish and operate the Tenth of Ramadan dry port.

May: Egypt to sign contracts for second and third high-speed rail lines with Siemens by the end of the month.

May: Government to announce its automotive strategy by the end of the month.


5-7 June (Sunday-Tuesday): Africa Health ExCon, Al Manara International Conference Center, Egypt International Exhibitions Center, and the St. Regis Almasa Hotel, New Administrative Capital.

5 June (Sunday): GB Auto is hosting an extraordinary general assembly meeting (pdf).

9 June (Thursday): European Central Bank monetary policy meeting.

14-15 June (Tuesday-Wednesday): Federal Reserve interest rate meeting.

15-18 June (Wednesday-Saturday): St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), St. Petersburg.

16 June (Thursday): End of 2021-2022 academic year for public schools.

21-22 June (Tuesday-Wednesday): Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development, Cairo.

23 June (Thursday): Central Bank of Egypt’s Monetary Policy Committee meeting.

27 June-3 July (Monday-Sunday): World University Squash Championships, New Giza.

30 June (Thursday): June 30 Revolution Day, national holiday.

30 June (Thursday): Deadline for bids for National Democratic Party HQ redevelopment contract.

June: Egypt will launch a unified ticketing system for all means of transport at the Adly Mansour Interchange Station.

June: Polish President Andrzej Duda will visit Egypt to coordinate ways to ship Ukrainian wheat to Egypt amid the war in Ukraine.


July: A law governing ins. for seasonal contractors will come into effect.

July: Fuel pricing committee meets to decide quarterly fuel prices.

1 July (Friday): FY 2022-2023 begins.

1 July (Friday): Official rollout of e-receipt system begins.

8 July (Friday): Arafat Day.

9-13 July (Saturday-Wednesday): Eid Al Adha, national holiday.

21 July (Thursday): European Central Bank monetary policy meeting.

26-27 July (Tuesday-Wednesday): Federal Reserve interest rate meeting.

30 July (Saturday): Islamic New Year.

Late July – 14 August: 2Q2022 earnings season.


August: Work to extend the capacity of the Egypt-Sudan electricity interconnection to 600 MW to be completed.

18 August (Thursday): Central Bank of Egypt’s Monetary Policy Committee meeting.


September: Egypt will display its first naval exhibition with the title Naval Power.

September: Central Bank of Egypt’s Innovation and Financial Technology Center to launch incubator for 25 fintech startups.

8 September (Thursday): European Central Bank monetary policy meeting.

18 September (Sunday): Deadline for brokerage firms, asset managers and financial advisors to register with the Egyptian Securities Federation.

20-21 September (Tuesday-Wednesday): Federal Reserve interest rate meeting.

22 September (Thursday): Central Bank of Egypt’s Monetary Policy Committee meeting.

26–27 September (Monday-Tuesday): The Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (AWIEF) at the Cairo Marriott Hotel.


October: World Bank and IMF annual meetings in Washington, DC

October: Fuel pricing committee meets to decide quarterly fuel prices.

1 October (Saturday): Use of Nafeza becomes compulsory for air freight.

6 October (Thursday): Armed Forces Day, national holiday.

8 October (Saturday): Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, national holiday.

18-20 October(Tuesday-Thursday): Mediterranean Offshore Conference, Alexandria, Egypt.

27 October (Thursday): European Central Bank monetary policy meeting.

Late October – 14 November: 3Q2022 earnings season.


November: Cairo Water Week 2022.

1-2 November (Tuesday-Wednesday): Federal Reserve interest rate meeting.

3 November (Thursday): Central Bank of Egypt’s Monetary Policy Committee meeting.

4-6 November: The Autotech auto exhibition kicks off at the Cairo International Exhibition and Convention Center.

7-18 November (Monday-Friday): Egypt will host COP 27 in Sharm El Sheikh.

21 November-18 December (Monday-Sunday): 2022 Fifa World Cup, Qatar.

13-14 December (Tuesday-Wednesday): Federal Reserve interest rate meeting.

15 December (Thursday): European Central Bank monetary policy meeting.


22 December (Thursday): Central Bank of Egypt’s Monetary Policy Committee meeting.


January EGX-listed companies and non-bank lenders will submit ESG reports for the first time.

January: Fuel pricing committee meets to decide quarterly fuel prices.


1H2022: Target date for IDH to close its acquisition of 50% of Islamabad Diagnostic Center.

1H2022: e-Finance’s digital healthcare service platform, eHealth, will launch its services.

1H2022: The government will respond to private companies’ bids to build desalination plants.

1H2022: Egypt’s second corporate green bond issuance expected to be announced.

14 March-30 June: The “Escape to Egypt” exhibition at the Coptic Museum, in celebration of its 112th anniversary.

2Q2022: The Sovereign Fund of Egypt will invest in two companies in the financial inclusion and non-banking financial services sectors.

End of 2Q2022: The Financial Regulatory Authority’s new Ins. Act should be approved.

End of 2Q2022: Door for bidding for the contract to redevelop the site of the former National Democratic Party HQ to close.

End of 1H2022: Emirati industrial company M Glory Holding and the Military Production Ministry will begin the mass production of dual fuel pickup trucks that can run on natural gas.

2H2022: The inauguration of the Grand Egyptian Museum.

2H2022: IEF-IGU Ministerial Gas Forum, Egypt. Date + location TBA.

2H2022: The government will have vaccinated 70% of the population.

3Q2022: Ayady’s consumer financing arm, The Egyptian Company for Consumer Finance Services, to release its first financing product.

End of 2022: e-Aswaaq’s tourism platform will complete the roll out of its ticketing and online booking portal across Egypt.

2023: Egypt will host the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors in 2023.

**Note to readers: Some national holidays may appear twice above. Since 2020, Egypt has observed most mid-week holidays on Thursdays regardless of the day on which they fall and may also move those days to Sundays. We distinguish above between the actual holiday and its observance.

Enterprise is a daily publication of Enterprise Ventures LLC, an Egyptian limited liability company (commercial register 83594), and a subsidiary of Inktank Communications. Summaries are intended for guidance only and are provided on an as-is basis; kindly refer to the source article in its original language prior to undertaking any action. Neither Enterprise Ventures nor its staff assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, whether in the form of summaries or analysis. © 2022 Enterprise Ventures LLC.

Enterprise is available without charge thanks to the generous support of HSBC Egypt (tax ID: 204-901-715), the leading corporate and retail lender in Egypt; EFG Hermes (tax ID: 200-178-385), the leading financial services corporation in frontier emerging markets; SODIC (tax ID: 212-168-002), a leading Egyptian real estate developer; SomaBay (tax ID: 204-903-300), our Red Sea holiday partner; Infinity (tax ID: 474-939-359), the ultimate way to power cities, industries, and homes directly from nature right here in Egypt; CIRA (tax ID: 200-069-608), the leading providers of K-12 and higher level education in Egypt; Orascom Construction (tax ID: 229-988-806), the leading construction and engineering company building infrastructure in Egypt and abroad; Moharram & Partners (tax ID: 616-112-459), the leading public policy and government affairs partner; Palm Hills Developments (tax ID: 432-737-014), a leading developer of commercial and residential properties; Mashreq (tax ID: 204-898-862), the MENA region’s leading homegrown personal and digital bank; Industrial Development Group (IDG) (tax ID:266-965-253), the leading builder of industrial parks in Egypt; Hassan Allam Properties (tax ID:  553-096-567), one of Egypt’s most prominent and leading builders; and Saleh, Barsoum & Abdel Aziz (tax ID: 220-002-827), the leading audit, tax and accounting firm in Egypt.