Tuesday, 24 January 2023

THIS EVENING: Pharma, nutraceutical player Nerhadou gets new minority shareholders + Corruption shakedown in Ukraine

Happy Tuesday — or almost-THURSDAY-equivalent. We’re officially within arm’s reach of the long weekend, as the nation takes a holiday this Thursday, 26 January in observance of Police Day and the 25 January Revolution.

As is our custom, EnterprisePM will also not be publishing on Thursday and will be back in your inboxes at the usual time on Sunday, 29 January.


New minority shareholders for Nerhadou: A consortium of private equity firms Affirma Capital and StonePine have acquired a “significant minority stake” in local pharma and nutraceutical player Nerhadou International in a USD 20 mn transaction, according to a press release (pdf).


The international business press is broadly focused on two stories this afternoon: California is facing yet another mass shooting, with at least seven people killed in San Francisco today, two days after a gunman killed 11 people earlier this week in Los Angeles (Reuters | the Wall Street Journal). Elsewhere, Ukraine is pushing through a massive corruption scandal, with President Volodymyr Zelensky firing multiple top government officials (The Financial Times | Reuters | CNBC).


President Abdel Fattah El Sisi has arrived in New Delhi for a three-day visit, according to an Ittihadiya statement. El Sisi is being honored as “chief guest” at celebrations to mark the country’s 74th Republic Day. During his time in India El Sisi will meet with a number of company representatives to discuss potential investments in Egypt.

** CATCH UP QUICK on the top stories from today’s EnterpriseAM:

  • Who’s teaching the kids — schools, private tutors, or TikTok? Education Minister Reda Hegazy yesterday told the Senate teachers may need to apply for licenses as part of reforms meant to improve public schools and curb private tutoring, a day after the country’s media regulator told the chamber it’s looking into new legislation meant to protect children in particular from harm caused by social media platforms.
  • Fresh tax incentives for local mobile phone assemblers? The Finance Ministry is considering cutting a 5% development fee on imported mobile phone parts as the Madbouly government pushes to localize electronics assembly.
  • Misr Ins. wants all of Misr Healthcare: Misr Ins. Holding is in talks to acquire a 20% stake in third-party claims management outfit Misr Healthcare Network held by the UAE’s Global Capital Investments.



We’re excited to unveil our next C-level event: The Enterprise FDI + Exports Forum, where we will take a deep dive into two of the most critical topics affecting our community.

Exports and foreign direct investment (FDI) have never been more important to our economy — or our businesses — than in the wake of the float of the EGP. We think we have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to build an export-led economy that makes us a magnet for FDI and all the benefits that will come with it for our nation.

The Enterprise FDI + Exports Forum asks a simple question: Where do we go from here?

The Enterprise FDI + Exports Forum is the latest in our series of must-attend, invitation-only gatherings for C-suite-level business leaders, where they can talk openly and honestly about important issues in key parts of the economy. The gathering, which will take place in May 2023, will focus on how to start making moves across continents, including:

  • What do we have to sell to global markets, including products and services? What should our priority industries be?
  • How can you break into an export market? How can you make your business a component of the global supply chain? Hear directly from potential partners and buyers about what they’re looking for.
  • How to leverage big domestic trends — and turn them into massive windows for export.
  • How to climb the value-add ladder in a way that matches up with trends in key export markets.
  • How do you choose an export market? What countries should Egyptian businesses be looking at as export targets — and why?
  • What are foreign investors looking for? How can you pitch them on a JV — or on investing in your business?

Think of the Enterprise FDI + Exports Forum as a hands-on lab for how to turn the float of the EGP into something that will turbocharge your company.

COMING IN MAY — stay tuned for updates.

Want to partner with us on the conference? Ping a note to Moustafa Taalab, our head of commercial, here.


EBRD + EU + GCF green finance event next week: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the EU, the Green Economic Financing Facility, and the Green Climate Fund will hold a green finance event on Tuesday, 31 January at the Nile Ritz Carlton Hotel.

The Senate is set to reconvene on Sunday, 5 February, having yesterday completed two days of plenary sessions that saw members discuss tourism promotion and education reform.

Check out our full calendar on the web for a comprehensive listing of upcoming news events, national holidays and news triggers.

☀️ TOMORROW’S WEATHER- Expect temperatures to reach a daytime high of 22°C during the day tomorrow before falling to 11°C at night, our favorite weather app tells us.

Enterprise is a daily publication of Enterprise Ventures LLC, an Egyptian limited liability company (commercial register 83594), and a subsidiary of Inktank Communications. Summaries are intended for guidance only and are provided on an as-is basis; kindly refer to the source article in its original language prior to undertaking any action. Neither Enterprise Ventures nor its staff assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, whether in the form of summaries or analysis. © 2022 Enterprise Ventures LLC.

Enterprise is available without charge thanks to the generous support of HSBC Egypt (tax ID: 204-901-715), the leading corporate and retail lender in Egypt; EFG Hermes (tax ID: 200-178-385), the leading financial services corporation in frontier emerging markets; SODIC (tax ID: 212-168-002), a leading Egyptian real estate developer; SomaBay (tax ID: 204-903-300), our Red Sea holiday partner; Infinity (tax ID: 474-939-359), the ultimate way to power cities, industries, and homes directly from nature right here in Egypt; CIRA (tax ID: 200-069-608), the leading providers of K-12 and higher level education in Egypt; Orascom Construction (tax ID: 229-988-806), the leading construction and engineering company building infrastructure in Egypt and abroad; Moharram & Partners (tax ID: 616-112-459), the leading public policy and government affairs partner; Palm Hills Developments (tax ID: 432-737-014), a leading developer of commercial and residential properties; Mashreq (tax ID: 204-898-862), the MENA region’s leading homegrown personal and digital bank; Industrial Development Group (IDG) (tax ID:266-965-253), the leading builder of industrial parks in Egypt; Hassan Allam Properties (tax ID:  553-096-567), one of Egypt’s most prominent and leading builders; and Saleh, Barsoum & Abdel Aziz (tax ID: 220-002-827), the leading audit, tax and accounting firm in Egypt.