Egypt in the News: City of the Dead tomb removals + EGP bns spent on cultural heritage
It’s a pleasantly quiet news day for Egypt in the international press.
IN BUSINESS NEWS- Our friends at Kashat, the country’s first nano-financial services provider, get a shout-out in Forbes, where they’re name-checked in a piece on whether artificial intelligence is destroying or disrupting jobs. Their take: “With the introduction of AI, new skills have been introduced into the underwriting process [in a labor-intensive industry] in order to serve at scale, while enabling employees to further expand their skillset and become even more valuable in the future.”
MEANWHILE- The UAE’s the National picked up on opposition to the planned removal of some 2k tombs in Cairo’s City of the Dead to make way for a motorway. And we’re spending EGP bns to promote and preserve antiquities: “We are paying like we never paid before to preserve our heritage,” the same outlet reports Tourism and Antiquities Minister Khaled El Enany as saying on Tuesday