A milestone in our vaccine production
Egypt produced 1 mn Made-in-Egypt Sinovac jabs, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly announced during his visit to the 600k doses per day Vacsera factory today (watch, runtime 7:09). Egypt aims to double the amount of the raw material used in the vaccine to be able to produce 80 mn jabs for the rest of the year, up from the previously announced 40 mn. The first batch of Vacsera’s locally-made jabs were produced last week and are expected to be distributed to clinics next month.
Vacsera’s new 6 October factory will expand to become a vaccine industrial complex: Vacsera is working on building a new vaccine factory in 6 October, which is set to become a hub for manufacturing vaccines — and not just for covid-19 — with a capacity that could reach 3 mn jabs per day, Madbouly said. The factory will produce eight other vaccines that are needed in Egypt, he said, without naming those vaccines.
How many have been vaccinated so far? Around 4.5 mn were reportedly vaccinated with at least one dose since the government began its vaccination campaign. This is 7.5% of all eligible people to receive the vaccine, as Capmas estimates there are a little more than 60 mn Egyptians aged over 18.