Egypt in the News on 26 January 2021
The 2011 revolution dominates the conversation on Egypt in the international press this morning: Marking the 10-year anniversary of the uprising, Reuters speaks to activists involved in the protests and Deutsche Welle is running an op-ed by an anonymous exiled Egyptian disenfranchised with how things panned out. A journalist writes about her experiences at the protests for Business Insider, while Jack Shenker (writing for Vice) and France 24 look at the state of the country 10 years later. And Twitter lit up with images of Tahrir Square, riot police and crowds of demonstrators.
Cartoonist Ashraf Hamdi was arrested yesterday for posting a video tribute to the protesters of Mohamed Mahmoud St., Reuters reports.
The revolution also coincides with the fifth anniversary of Italian student Giulio Regeni’s disappearance. Italian President Sergio Matarella has called on Egypt to respond to Italy’s allegations concerning Regeni’s torture and death, Italian wire service ANSA reports. Meanwhile, Amnesty International is calling for the improvement of prison conditions and healthcare for detainees.