Why do Egyptians quit their jobs?
Why do Egyptians quit their jobs? You’d be surprised to know that money is not the primary factor: Bosses can sit there and gripe about “ungrateful employees” wanting more money. But according to a study (pdf) by our friends at Acumen Consulting, that is not the primary motivation for why professionals across various tiers and ranks are quitting their jobs.
The survey finds that issues with the boss was named as the biggest factor driving people away, particularly among managers and young professionals. Problems with the boss was also the biggest issue women survey-takers felt was pushing them to quit, with 30% of women citing it as the problem. Bosses were also driving away employees in startups, the public sector, NGOs, and multinationals.
No growth potential was cited as the second biggest reason for why people in Egypt quit their jobs, with 31% of men saying they quit for this reason. Entry level employees and employees of family-owned businesses say this is the primary factor for why they quit. An organization not having systems in place was named as the third highest reason for quitting. Note how little pay compared to the other reasons cited.
So what’s keeping them at their jobs? Having a high learning potential and pay were the two primary reasons why Egyptians stay in their jobs, according to the survey. This was followed by the organization’s culture and how appreciated they feel in their jobs.