Egypt in the News on 18 September 2019: GERD, Benban, human rights
Topping coverage of Egypt in the foreign press this morning is our continued spat with Ethiopia about the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD): Ethiopia’s “summary rejection” of Egypt’s plan for filling and operating the dam is "unfair and inequitable," Foreign Ministry representatives said after talks earlier this week. Deutsche Welle and Reuters both have the story.
Other headlines worth noting in brief:
- Pictured above is an ancient Egyptian cow shoulder,one of many “beef mummies” excavated from tombs of high-born officials, courtesy of Atlas Obscura.
- Aswan’s Benban solar complex: Due to come online soon, the massive Aswan solar park is being noted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ magazine IEEE Spectrum.
- The United Nations Human Rights Council should use its periodic review of Egypt’s human rights records to address repression,17 organizations — including Human Rights Watch — said in an open letter. Egypt’s review is coming up on 13 November and is a requirement for all UN member states.