Why do we have a seven-day week, if we came up with it ourselves?
The Week dives into the evolution of the seven-day week and how it shapes our lives. The notion of a seven-day week has become so entrenched in our habitude that we rarely stop to question it. Why do we adhere to a seven-day system? Why not 12? David M. Henkin combed through American literature, restaurant menus, theater schedules, and other documents from as far back as the 17th century to uncover when America became devoted to the seven-day week. He explains that the seven-day week — which was first used in Mesopotamia and is mentioned in the Book of Genesis — became firmly established in the US in the 19th century and that soon after the rest of the world followed suit. Henkin demonstrates how much the week affects our perception of time, pointing to how disoriented people became when prolonged covid-19 lockdowns caused them to lose track of the days of the week, and consequently time. “Losing one’s handle on the week raises the specter of lost memory and lost time,” he writes.