More international ink on the cost of living in Egypt

More on the challenges facing our economy in the int’l press: The government’s push to tackle dollarization and inflation through 25% CDs amid a hard currency shortage that has stymied imports was the focus of a story in the Irish Times, while the Wall Street Journal reports on Egyptians struggling to make ends meet as prices rise.
Also making headlines:
- More than 6k CCTV cameras form part of the high-tech security infrastructure installed at the new administrative capital by US firm Honeywell. (Reuters)
- Arbitration specialist Karim Youssef has called for a “COP27 moment” in global arbitration to counter what he called a “huge backlash” by state governments against settling investor disputes according to international standards.(Global Arbitration Review)
- At least two people were killed and a third injured after the roof of a three-storey apartment building collapsed in Alexandria. (AP)
- A man was arrested on charges of impersonating a religious officiant (maazoun) and spreading false news after claiming that newlyweds will have to pay fees under the draft Personal Status Act. (The National)