This morning in the foreign press: the latest on Alaa Abdel Fattah + COP27
Human rights still dominates the conversation on Egypt in the foreign press: The family of Alaa Abdel Fattah said they have received a “proof of life” letter from the jailed activist. Abdel Fattah wrote that he had resumed drinking water as of 12 November and is receiving medical attention in prison, his sister Sanaa Seif wrote on social media. There’s coverage everywhere this morning of the latest developments: Reuters | AFP | BBC | CBS | NYT | The Guardian | DW | Independent.
MEANWHILE- Special representative for the COP27 presidency Wael Aboulmagd has rejected claims that the government has been spying on delegates at the climate summit as “ludicrous” and said that some developing countries believe the claims to be a ploy by richer nations to distract from the substance of the climate negotiations. The German Foreign Ministry had complained after a number of attendees at the German pavilion alleged they were being monitored by unknown people, a claim that the UN said yesterday that it is investigating. (Reuters | AP | Deutsche Welle | The National)