Meta’s VR / MR headset is here — and it cost a pretty penny + Your fat cells can be healthy, depending on how much you exercise

Get ready to merge the real world with make believe: Meta Platforms has unveiled the new Meta Quest Pro, a virtual and mixed reality headset which will allow you to interact with virtual creations superimposed onto the physical world around you. Revealed at Meta’s annual Connect conference, the headset will cost USD 1.5k and will be available for purchase from 25 October.
Quest Pro has cost Zuck a lot of money: Meta already lost as much as USD 16.2 bn so far creating this visionary product, Reuters reports. The headset is being marketed for designers, architects and other creatives who can immerse themselves in the digital world, manipulating virtual objects in real life contexts.
Body fat can be metabolically healthy or not: Having body fat is completely healthy, it all comes down to the size of the fat cells and whether or not we exercise them, according to research from the University of Copenhagen picked up by the Washington Post. A person with healthier and smaller-sized fat cells is less at risk for inflammation than an unhealthy person with the same body fat percentage, researchers tell WaPo.
So, it’s the cell size that matters: When our fat cells are large, they overflow and leak fatty acids into our bloodstreams, which find homes in our organs, leading to unpleasant results. Smaller fat cells suck up fat from our blood and have tons of active mitochondria and functioning blood vessels to transport oxygen and nutrients to cells, boosting immunity and fighting inflammation. Researchers who biopsied abdominal fat from young inactive men, older inactive men and physically active older men found that the fat cells from the inactive older men had fewer mitochondria than in the young men’s fat and produced less energy. The physically active men’s fat cells had plenty of mitochondria — even more than the young men’s fat tissue — and their fat cells supplied more energy.
It’s never too late: You don’t necessarily have to lose weight to make your body fat metabolically healthy and even if you start exercising now, no matter how inactive you’ve been, your fat’s fitness can improve. A new study published in the Journal of Physiology biopsied fat tissue from 36 inactive obese men and women then asked them to ride a stationary bike four times a week for 3 months. The participants reduced the size of their fat cells, without losing weight, and boosted blood vessel capacity leading to more cell nourishment and fewer biochemical markers of inflammation.