Stay healthy, everyone: Physically and mentally

Good news: You can be lazy all week long — as long as you get up off the couch at the weekend. One or two long workouts on the weekend can give you the same health benefits as exercising regularly throughout the week, according to new research. The findings of a study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal indicate that adults who perform 150 minutes or more of moderate intensity exercise per week get the same health benefits whether they choose to spread out their exercise sessions throughout the week or pack it all into two sessions on the weekend. And your weekend workouts don’t have to be high-intensity boot camps, either: they could include a brisk walk, playing doubles in a padel game, or swimming laps.
It’s official: Optimists live longer: There’s scientific evidence now apparently proving that wive’s tale that optimists live longer courtesy of a study published in the US’s National Library of Medicine linking optimism with better health. Researchers monitored the lifespan of around 160k women aged 50 to 79 over a 26-year period. Results showed that the most optimistic 25% saw their lifespan increase 5.4% longer than the rest. 53% of those women achieved “exceptional longevity,” surviving to the ripe old age of 90.
Why are they so lucky? Optimists simply live better: The study showed optimists having a tendency to live longer, thanks to better health, sleep and minor stress levels. “Higher optimism was associated with longer lifespan and a greater likelihood of achieving exceptional longevity overall and across racial and ethnic groups,” the study said.