KFC introduces plant-based chicken + is lab-grown meat halal / kosher?

Want to eat healthier this year but can’t kick your fried chicken habit? Head over to a KFC joint in the US, where the fast-food chain is introducing plant-based fried chicken from Beyond Meat to its menu, KFC USA President Kevin Hochman told CNBC. The new menu offering is designed to accommodate customers who increasingly want to adopt a “flexitarian diet,” as they turn to plant-based protein to cut down on meat consumption for health and environmental reasons.
And while we’re on the topic of meat by another name, lab-grown meat is raising questions on its religious viability: Lab-grown cultured meat, which is grown in bioreactors from animal cells, has food tech entrepreneurs seeking out religious opinions on whether or not their meat, which is “structurally identical to meat,” is halal or kosher, reports Bloomberg. San Francisco-based startup Eat Just, which makes cultured meat, announced plans to build a factory in Qatar last year and is now hoping to secure religious approval before they build out their facility. In September, Indonesia’s largest Muslim organization issued a fatwa that banned the consumption of lab-grown meat on the grounds that the cells were taken from live animals rather than slaughtered ones — a ruling that was echoed by religious authorities in Pakistan. Jewish authorities, on the other hand, have yet to agree on whether lab-grown meat is kosher, or whether it should even be called meat at all, with one Israel-based food tech company looking to feed cells in its bioreactors with non-animal alternatives in order to ensure its approval by religious authorities.
From the Walkman to EVs: Japan’s Sony Group is planning to launch a company mid-year, Sony Mobility, that will specialize in developing entertainment platforms and sensors for electric vehicles, Chairman and President Kenichiro Yoshida said, according to Reuters. Sony already has one foot in the EV door, creating an arsenal of sensors critical to autonomous driving that it’s testing through its VISION-S 01 coupe in Europe. Yoshida unveiled a prototype SUV, the VISION-S 02, which also utilizes Sony’s EV platform and will allow passengers to use individual entertainment options and 5G internet connection.