Egypt isn’t on the list as the US ships over 110 mn vaccines to 60 countries
Egypt is not on the list of 60 countries to which the US has donated and shipped more than 110 mn doses of covid-19 vaccines, according to a White House statement. The news comes after US President Joe Biden in June promised America would be “the arsenal of vaccines for the rest of the world.” Indonesia was the top recipient at 8 mn doses, followed by Columbia and the Philippines with over 6 mn apiece. Closer to home: Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, and Jordan all received doses from the United States.
Egypt isn’t on the list despite the Biden administration saying in June said that it would be among 13 “regional priority” countries who would receive 6 mn of the first 25 mn donated doses. Iraq, Yemen, the West Bank and Gaza also missed out. Another 500 mn Pfizer doses are set to be shipped from the US to 100 countries starting at the end of August though, leaving open the possibility we could still be in line for some ‘Murican jabs.
The Health Ministry reported 53 new covid-19 infections yesterday, up from 51 the day before. Egypt has now disclosed a total of 284,415 confirmed cases of covid-19. The ministry also reported 5 new deaths, bringing the country’s total death toll to 16,540.
ELSEWHERE- China has imposed new travel restrictions after a fresh outbreak of infections thought to be caused by the Delta variant in eastern Jiangsu province spread to 15 others, the BBC reports. The outbreak is the largest China has seen for months, and authorities have imposed a three-day lockdown on over 9 mn people and cut Beijing’s travel links with areas with confirmed cases. Authorities in some provinces have even begun offering monetary rewards to encourage people to report those they suspect may be infected with covid-19.