We could see a settlement agreement for the Ever Given fiasco before the end of June
The belle of the ball on last night’s talk shows here at home: The Suez Canal Authority’s preliminary agreement with the Ever Given’s owner and ins. company over compensation demands for the container ship’s six-day blockage of the canal in March. SCA’ boss Osama Rabie dropped into Masaa DMC last night to discuss the compensation case, telling Ramy Radwan that both sides could reach a binding agreement by mid-next week (watch, runtime: 7:34). Rabie didn’t disclose the amount of compensation the two sides agreed to yesterday.
Avoiding Ever Given Season 2: The southern stretch of the Suez Canal will see deepening and expansion works to avoid the recurrence of another blockage in the future, Rabie said (watch, runtime: 3:22). Al Hayah Al Youm (watch, runtime: 7:22) also had coverage.
Also getting attention on the airwaves: The recovery of 114 Egyptian antiquities found in Paris, which French authorities intercepted and prevented their smuggling and sale, the Public Prosecution said in a statement yesterday (watch, runtime: 15:56). Public Prosecutor Hamada El Sawy was among the Egyptian officials who landed in the French capital last night to examine and take inventory of the recovered artefacts before they are transferred back to Cairo, the statement said. Among those who took note: Ala Mas’ouleety (watch, runtime: 15:39) and Masaa DMC (watch, runtime: 3:15).