Last Night’s Talk Shows on 9 March 2021
The talking heads once again followed the printed press’ lead last night, focusing most of their coverage on women’s rights as the world observed International Women’s Day. Al Hayah Al Youm’s Mohamed Sherdy sat down with Elham Mahmoud, who was named the Best Woman Scientist in the 2020 African Union Kwame Nkrumah Awards for Scientific Excellence and Economics Professor Yomn El Hamaki for an extensive chat about the importance of empowering women and incorporating them in the labor force (watch, runtime: 27:23).
Give us a break, begad: While El Sherdy’s guests had plenty of interesting insight to give, we’re having a hard time getting over the host opening the segment by wondering aloud why there’s no International Men’s Day.
Egypt’s judiciary will look into how to appoint women to the Council of State (Maglis El Dowla) and Supreme Judicial Council, and whether they would be appointed to entry-level positions in the judicial system or fast-tracked to higher rankings, Justice Minister Omar Marwan told Kelma Akhira’s Lamees El Hadidi. Lamees was full of praise for President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s call to appoint women to the councils, which we recap in full in the news well, above (watch, runtime: 8:40). Ala Mas’ouleety’s Ahmed Moussa also had a similar chat with Marwan (watch, runtime: 5:28).
Reaching a demarcation agreement in the Eastern Mediterranean with Egypt would be a “lifeline” for Turkey if Cairo agrees to Ankara’s proposal, seeing as Turkey has isolated itself in the region with its aggressions towards Cyprus and Greece, pundit Mohamed Hamed told Moussa. The change in Turkey’s stance towards us also comes as evidence that Ankara has failed at finding a way to pressure Egypt through other issues, such as its interference in Libya and backing Ethiopia in the protracted Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam negotiations (watch, runtime: 10:09).