How music affects your mood
Music can dramatically change how you feel — likely for the better: Listening to music has been known to alter moods and fend off negative emotions linked to anxiety, depression, and stress. One study found that specific genres like classical or designer music — which have been created to have very specific effects on the listener — can be used to promote caring, relaxation, and mental clarity, while reducing negative sensations like fatigue, hostility. or sadness. Although the same study also found that other genres like grunge rock could have the opposite effect, instead promoting feelings of hostility and reducing empathy and mental clarity, the particular impact certain genres can have on people remains mixed and largely dependent on a person’s personal preferences, according to Time.
Why does music make us feel good? Our brains process a good chunk of our musical experiences through the same pleasure centers as food, intimate physical relationships, and drugs that release dopamine into the brain, according to Psychology Today.
Some types of music are even used to alter consumer patterns and our perception of time. Songs played at retail outlets, for instance, are often carefully selected to spur consumption by obscuring a sense of time, making sure shoppers remain in stores for longer periods and in a generally positive mood, according to Psychology Today.