Netflix’s Rotten is back for season 2

Netflix’s Rotten is back for season 2: Netflix’s great docu-series on the hidden economic, and often destructive, forces that lurk in the global food industry, is back and on its second season. This season definitely topped the last with a look at foods that have a much wider global significance.
Want a healthy avocado from Mexico for lunch (Mexico has the biggest market share in global avocado exports)? Some of that money probably ended up in the pockets of drug cartels. A nice chocolate bar for dessert? You’ve probably unwittingly contributed to the virtual enslavement of some villages in Côte d'Ivoire. Just washed it down with a nice cold bottle of water? Well, that water was probably the only supply of some impoverished community, and it can’t be replenished (not to mention that giant plastic iceberg floating in the pacific).
No other series we’ve seen recently has really made us think hard about the consequences of how the global supply chain of the foods we eat every day was set up. Not to mention making us feel very guilty about eating a nice bar of chocolate (thanks, Netflix). You can check out the trailer here (watch, runtime: 1:55).