Egypt was the fifth fastest-growing nation brand in the world in 2019

Egypt rose five places to #49 on Brand Finance’s 2019 Nations Brand report, making us the fifth fastest-growing national brand in the world this year. Global powerhouses USA, China, and Germany maintained the top three places, while Japan overtook the UK to rank fourth, according to the report (pdf). The ranking measures country brand value based on data sets from three key areas — goods and services, investment climate, and society and social institutions — and then scores each area based on its constituent elements to determine a grade letter for overall brand strength.
Regional trend, weak performance, strong prospects: The UAE and Saudi Arabia were the region’s top performers, ranking 20th and 21st, respectively. The Emiratis also claimed the sixth spot worldwide in country brand strength. Elevent of the 20 fastest-growing nation brands were from the Middle East and Africa, with Ghana’s brand gaining the most regionally and globally in 2019 (67%).