How to read more: a guide
How to read more: a guide. It’s all very well for us to espouse the benefits of reading, but for anyone with a busy schedule (i.e. all of us), good intentions only count for so much. We recommend employing a few of the highly practical tips listed here to turn ideas into action. Tips include reading two books at a time to accommodate your own changing moods and energy levels, reading when you have small amounts of time (even if it’s only in 15 minute chunks), using apps to train yourself to read more quickly, and planning out which books you want to read in a given period (the recommended 50 in a year might be a little ambitious, but you get the point).
There are also, of course, audiobooks — which we love — although we take the point that they are not a precise substitute for actually reading a book. But with global revenue from audiobook downloads up 32% in 1Q 2018 y-o-y, they must be doing something right.
If all this sounds a bit too calculated, you can always explore some of the initiatives aiming to encourage a love of reading — from events held to mark World Book Day, to Cairo’s annual book fair, and a whole host of smaller grassroots schemes in countries ranging from Egypt to Morocco to Iraq. As one Lebanese author puts it, “You have to be creative to make sure reading is loved.”
And now, without further ado, we bring you the Enterprise summer reading list