It’s not a bad time to be an Egypt football fan
It’s not a bad time to be an Egypt football fan: World Cup 2018 performance, Mortada Mansour and Mohamed El Neny aside, these appear to be the best of times for the Egyptian football scene. With Egypt now hosting the African Cup this year for the fifth time from 21 June – 19 July on the back of a series of footballing successes, we’ve decided to dedicate this month’s Your Wealth to the “beautiful game.” DISCLAIMER: we will exclusively refer to the sport as football and not ‘soccer.’ Readers from North America, we will look forward to reading your emails.
So, to kick off the issue, we’re going to list out all the stuff we’re thankful for as far Egypt’s recent football history is concerned:
- Mo Salah scoring in the final of the Champions League last Sunday.
- Pretty much everything Mo Salah has done (the list is too long to cover in one issue).
- English Premier League footballer Sarah Essam winning the Golden Boot for Stoke City’s Development Team.
- Zamalek FC winning the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Cup for the first time in the club’s history.
- Egypt making it to the World Cup 2018 (subsequent performance notwithstanding).
- Egypt making it to the final of the African Cup 2017.