Supply Ministry to begin third phase of purging Egypt’s subsidy rolls in April
The Supply Ministry plans to begin the third and final phase of its purge of subsidy rolls next month, an unnamed ministry source tells Al Shorouk. The ministry is currently reviewing grievance appeals by Kramers who think they were unfairly removed from the state’s welfare program during the second phase of the purge, which one-time beneficiaries can submit until 27 March. Once the review is complete, the ministry will announce the exact start date of the third phase.
Background: The first phase of the purge, which began in 2017, aimed to purge 10% of ration card holders by weeding out fraudsters, while the second phase is meant to remove 40 mn people. The ministry had laid out last month new criteria for individuals no longer eligible for welfare benefits, including consuming more than 650 KW of electricity or paying phone bills in excess of EGP 800 per month. Those spending more than EGP 30,000 on school fees for their child at an international school can also expect to be cut from the welfare rolls, alongside senior corporate officers and those owning a luxury car made in 2014 or later.