Setting smaller, more achievable tasks and goals can help keep you on track
Resolutions can feel like a Catch-22: We’re supposed to kick old habits and develop new ones, but more often than not, we find ourselves trapped in the same old loops. But if you’re setting resolutions about mental health, Elite Daily’s got simple steps you can build into your day. One of the easiest things we can do is unplug from social media. Spending a little less time on your phone bouncing between tweets, pictures, and posts means making more attention available for your surroundings and more brain space to be present. Setting guiding questions for the start of the day can be another way to remain tethered to your goals throughout a hectic day or week.
Instead of setting one mammoth resolution, think about breaking it down into sub-goals. Since the majority of our resolutions tend to center around abstaining from or significantly cutting down on a behavior or consumption pattern, it might be more beneficial to choose one thing per month to cut out of your life, says CNN’s David G. Allan. Over the course of one year, Allan attempted to abstain from behaviors such as eating after dinner and being grumpy, or consumed items such as alcohol and sweets.