Another day, another insipid night on Egypt’s talk shows
Another day, another insipid night on the airwaves: The end-of-year news slowdown has clearly hit the nation’s talk shows rather hard, or the talking heads are already mentally on a beach somewhere.
Al Hayah Al Youm’s Khaled Abu Bakr really got in the end-of-year mindset with a recap of the government’s infrastructure projects throughout 2018 (watch, runtime: 1:29 and runtime: 00:19 and runtime: 01:53) and President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s diplomatic visits (watch, runtime: 02:00).
Businesses and government are both responsible for developing industry in Egypt, Federation of Egyptian Industries boss Mohamed Elsewedy told Masaa DMC’s Osama Kamal. Elsewedy noted that the federation has a committee focused on expanding Egypt’s cooperation and business with the remainder of Africa, but that these ventures require certain regulations from the government (watch, runtime: 15:14).
The Alexandrian governor’s plans to eliminate slum areas within a year don’t seem plausible to Kamal, who tried to poke holes in the plan and wondered out loud whether the governor intends to prioritize high-risk or newly constructed illegal buildings (watch, runtime: 06:42).
Writer Fatma Naoot had a chat about a controversial op-ed she wrote denouncing calls to seize Egyptian Jews’ assets with Yahduth fi Masr’s Sherif Amer and historian Assem Dessouky (watch, runtime: 01:48 and runtime: 02:21)