Another mummy discovery

Topping the foreign press’ coverage of Egypt this morning was the discovery of an ancient mummification workshop in Saqqara. The find, which included five mummies, provides” a wealth of new knowledge about the mummification process,” archeologists tell the Guardian.
Egypt’s handling of the Flight 804 French investigation is business as usual, says Economist: “Egypt has form for covering up air-crash investigations when it does not like where the facts are leading,” the Economist says. The country’s rejection of a French report on crashed Flight 804 follows that same pattern of attempting to push a narrative that exonerates its institutions. The piece cites official rejections of investigations into EgyptAir Flight 990 20 years ago and the Metrojet attack.
Other stories worth noting in brief:
- Promises of a greater share of the Nile water and a power interconnection project with Ethiopia helped shift Sudan’s stance in Addis Ababa’s favor on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, according to Foreign Brief.
- Egypt sentenced 37 people from three to 15 years in prison on charges related to illicit trading in human organs, and another 31 people on charges of murder and breaking out of jail, Reuters reports.
- Egypt’s Cyber Crime Act should be withdrawn as it expands state power to block websites, according to Electronic Frontier Foundation.
- A fire at a chemicals plat outside the Cairo Airport erupted on Thursday, according to Reuters.