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Wednesday, 20 June 2018

What we’re tracking on 20 June 2018

There really are no words. Not for how we felt watching the Pharaohs crumble under pressure last night from Russia (Russia, people), nor for the residual grumpiness we feel this morning.

We’re not going to advise you on who to root going forward, nor are we going to run photos of our friends at the match. We will have the photos, of course, but tomorrow. We’re in mourning this morning. And the decision about who to root for from here on in? Well, there’s the national team one last time — they won’t make it out of group, but have one more match left, playing Saudi Arabia this coming Monday at 4:00 pm CLT. Otherwise, who you back from here is intensely personal: A country of second citizenship. A country that welcomed you for university, whose culture you love because of a shared language, or in which you spent your favourite vacation.

You could always drown your sorrows in chocolate: We’re getting over the match this morning with carbs. Specifically chocolate from Dublin’s ridiculously good The Proper Chocolate Company (a new discovery). With some of Vancouver’s always-amazing Purdys thrown in for good measure. (That’s a flat-out endorsement, people. Salted caramels from the latter. Tanzanian Kokoa Kamili, 2017 harvest, from the former.)

Need something stronger? You may need a dog. “A dog loves a person the way people love each other only while in the grip of new love: with intense, unwavering focus, attentive to every move the beloved makes, unaware of imperfections, desiring little more than to be close, to be entwined, to touch and touch and touch.” (More in What It Means to Be Loved by a Dog)

Keep it all in perspective #1: Nobody died, and you didn’t inherit their company to run alongside your own — in an industry you don’t know, in a country thousands of kilometers away. That’s what happened to CB Insights’ Anand Sanwal, who has posted an epic piece on How to manage and sell a company in an industry and a country you don’t know. The founder and face of a great New York-based tech media company, Sanwal chronicled what happened when his dad passed away, leaving him the family business back in India. Are you, like some of us here, an immigrant? Or dealing with an aging parent on another continent? This is the piece for you.

Enterprise is a daily publication of Enterprise Ventures LLC, an Egyptian limited liability company (commercial register 83594), and a subsidiary of Inktank Communications. Summaries are intended for guidance only and are provided on an as-is basis; kindly refer to the source article in its original language prior to undertaking any action. Neither Enterprise Ventures nor its staff assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, whether in the form of summaries or analysis. © 2022 Enterprise Ventures LLC.

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