A look back at historic summits between US presidents and other world leaders, including Sadat

A look back at Sadat and Carter’s meeting, among others in history, on eve of Trump and Kim summit: On the eve of US President Donald Trump’s highly-anticipated meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un today, the Wall Street Journal looks back at other historical summits that have taken place over the past few decades between various US presidents and counterparts from across the globe, including the definitive encounter between Egypt’s Anwar El Sadat and the US’ Jimmy Carter back in 1978. The then-US president mediated a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel and the signing of the Camp David Accords, which earned Sadat a Nobel peace prize and the ire of other Arabs.
In a similar piece, the Washington Post also points to ex-US president Barack Obama “[compromising] on his foreign policy idealism” to meet with Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak in 2010. The Financial Times has also gotten into the game, but leads its roundup of four summits with the appeasement of Adolf Hitler in Munich in 1938.