Legislation watch: Two-party system, part two of the press act
LEGISLATION WATCH- Is the House looking to bring about a two-party system? It indeed was a busy day at the House of Representatives, which also looked at amendments the House of Representatives Act, which govern election guidelines and coalition and party formations. Very little in the way of detail is out on the amendments themselves, but Support Egypt Coalition’s Hisham Emara tells Al Mal that the amendments aim, in principle, to turn the House into a two-party majority system. The new law would set 75% of parliamentary seats to party-affiliated MPs, with only 25% seats being allocated for independent MPs, he added. The newspaper notes that the next parliamentary elections are due to take place in 2021.
Meanwhile, the House Culture and Media Committee is expecting to complete its review of the second part of the Press and Media Act by week’s end, committee head MP Osama Heikal said, Ahram Gate reports. The legislation was split into two sections, the first of which was passed in 2016. The second part will establish the regulations and guidelines for those working in the media.