Gov’t expects to pass Social Welfare Act by June’s end, says Social Solidarity Minister
LEGISLATION WATCH- The government is planning to pass the Social Welfare Act by the end of June and bring it into effect as of FY2018-19, Social Solidarity Minister Ghada Wali tells Al Borsa. The law would amend the social welfare and pensions systems, guarantee the right to unemployment benefits, and establish a new pension fund. According to Wali, her ministry has completed the actuarial studies for the legislation; a draft of the bill is now being reviewed by the International Labor Organization. The law will then require Cabinet approval before being referred to the Council of State (Maglis El Dawla) for review, and the House of Representatives for final sign-off.
New body will manage state pension funds: The ministry is working in the meantime on the structure of a new body that would be created under the law to manage state pension funds, according to Wali. Government sources had claimed that Cabinet already approved the act back in November.