Tensions between Turkey and Egypt top coverage in the foreign press
On a quiet morning in the international press, tensions between Egypt and Turkey dominate. First off, an unnamed diplomat tells Breitbart that “Egyptian authorities are concerned that Turkey will try to sabotage the presidential elections” to take a stab at President Abdel Fattah El Sisi. News outlets including Xinhua are also noting concerns raised by the Foreign Ministry of Turkey’s alleged involvement in a shipment of explosives to Libya. The cargo was interdicted by Greek authorities.
The New York Times says it is standing by the story it reported last week that “described a covert effort by Egyptian intelligence to sway public opinion in favor of accepting President Trump’s decision recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.” This follows Prosecutor General Nabil Sadek ordering a formal investigation into the story. The Associated Press and The Hill also covered the news, with the latter emphasizing that MP Mostafa El Gendy accused the paper of being “at war” with Egypt.