Int’l tender for monorail — is Bombardier out?

Int’l tender for monorail — is Bombardier out? The Housing and Transport ministries have invited local and international companies to submit prequalification documents to design, finance, supply, operate, and maintain the 6 October-Giza and Nasry City-new capital monorails, Al Borsa reports. Companies are required to have contracts worth at least EUR 3 bn for similar projects over the past five years, and will be required to arrange their funding through international institutions. The companies are required to submit their offers by 15 January. Canada’s Bombardier had been contracted earlier this year to conduct the feasibility studies for the 52 km Nasr City-new capital monorail line. Reports had also emerged back in 2015 that a consortium led by Bombardier and Orascom Construction had won the contract to implement the 35 km 6 October-Giza monorail. The government did not, however, make an official announcement of the award, which was expected last November.