CAC Injaz team takes home two trophies from 11-country regional competition

Also from the land of education, some very nice news this morning: Egypt’s entry to the Injaz regional student entrepreneurship contest took home two trophies from the three-day regional finals held in Cairo. The Cairo American College ‘Zip & Flip’ team, representing Egypt in an 11-country competition, won nods for “overall best product of the year” and the “Citi Signature award for customer service.” The team was represented by Hashem Abdou (CEO), Shivani Pillai (sales), Fadi Tawfik (finance) and Riad Khawam (production). Minister of Education Tarek Shawky was among the regional dignitaries and CEOs to attend the competition. Zip & Flip’s signature product was a stylish, functional bag-towel combo that we covered here back in May (scroll down to the end for the story).
**HAPPY THANKSGIVING a day in advance to our American friends and readers who won’t be joining us tomorrow as they start their holiday weekend.