1843 runs down the countries which you can pay for citizenship

1843 runs down the countries you can pay for citizenship: Is your passport just not doing it for you? Are you in the market for a whole new nationality? Would you invest EUR 500K for Portuguese citizenship if you had to handle their cuisine? All of these questions and more are addressed in this informative and hilarious piece from The Economist’s 1843 Magazine which has a rundown of some popular destinations where you can buy a nationality with a breakdown of costs, methods, benefits and drawbacks. Take Saint Kitts and Nevis for example. Visa-free travel to 132 countries with no residency requirement sounds appealing, until you consider how that is increasingly being seen as shady by other countries such as Canada (which withdrew visa-free travel). Being certified an Aussie certainly looks good, but then again people there expect you to understand cricket — so in the end, is it really worth it?
It is worth noting that Egypt has flirted with the idea on numerous occasions but nationalist fervor always pulls the brakes. When looking at this list of countries, we should see no shame in it as we would be joining the likes of the US, Canada, UK and others.