The Taa Marbouta women’s economic empowerment campaign

Supporting women’s economic empowerment: Increasing female employment rates to match those of males’ would increase Egypt’s GDP by 34%. That’s why, following President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s declaration of 2017 as the Year of the Egyptian Woman, the National Council of Women launched an awareness-raising campaign entitled “Taa Marbouta” to promote women’s social, political and economic empowerment in Egypt. Nahla Zeitoun writes for the World Bank’s Arab Voices blog that “the slogan of the campaign, ‘Taa Marbouta is the Secret of your Power,’ shows that the designation as ‘feminine’ should no longer be considered an obstacle to achievements.” The campaign includes three PSAs supported by the NCW, UNFPA, UNDP, UN Women, USAID, and the Swedish International Development Agency. The PSAs focus on female labor force participation, promoting female employment, containing messages to the woman herself to create a sense of agency, and to society at large with a focus on breaking stereotypes.