On this day: 14 September

ON THIS DAY- On this day in 1956, the IBM 305 RAMAC, the first commercial computer that used a moving-head hard disk drive for secondary storage, was publicly introduced. The machine, which weighed a ton, already had test units installed at the US Navy and at private corporations. IBM’s press release from 1956 lauded the machine because it allowed for transactions to be “processed as they occur” and this meant that “the fresh facts held in a random access memory show business as it is right now, not as it was hours or weeks ago.” IBM President at the time Thomas J Watson said “today is the greatest new product day in the history of IBM and, I believe, in the history of the office equipment industry. These products provide the most significant advancement toward business control and operation by electronics to be made thus far.” Over two hundred years earlier, in 1752, Britain adopted the Gregorian calendar after it was decreed that the arrival of 2 September, 1752 should be called 14 September, 1752. At Enterprise, we were still on Eid break this time last year, but in 2015 we woke up to the devastating news that over 12 civilians, mostly Mexican tourists, were killed by mistake in the Western Desert.