Tech’s first war explored this fall movie season with The Current War

Tech’s first ‘war’ explored in The Current War: The business film nerd in us is tingling at the release of the trailer for “The Current War,” the tale of the epic rivalry between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse over the future of electricity at the turn of the 20th century. Taking place nearly a century before Apple and Windows had it out in the 1980s and 1990s, the film will dive deep into the shady and underhanded maneuvers played out in private and in the media by Edison Electric Light Company (the forbearer of GE) and Westinghouse Electric Corporation to discredit each other’s electric current format (AC and DC). The regular nerd in us is pretty stoked to see how the film will portray scientific genius Nikola Tesla. The movie, which will be out for wide release in January, has already received excellent pre-release reviews, already holding a 8.5 score on IMDB. (watch trailer here, runtime 2:27)