Company says agriculture quarantine finding poppy seeds in wheat shipment raises questions
Looks a lot like the “new ergot”: It seems strange for Egypt’s agriculture quarantine “to suddenly discover this type of seed for the first time in decades,” Transgrain France, the company responsible for the wheat shipment reportedly containing poppy seeds, said. “Quarantine may have confused the seeds with another type of poppy found in France but which is not toxic,” the company added, according to Reuters. One trader told the newswire “there are currently two Romanian cargoes at ports of origin that have been told to change their wheat supply for the presence of poppy seeds … They are nervous now with what is happening.” An unnamed trader is refloating the idea that the shipment’s rejection is a move by agriculture quarantine to put more pressure on the government to get their employees to travel for inspections at the port of origin again. The government had moved to using private contractors to inspect shipments abroad.