How to succeed in business without really trying

If you’re climbing the corporate ladder, this package is for you. Bloomberg Businessweek has run its How Did I Get Here feature for some four years now. Think of it as a weekly illustrated, annotated CV for some of America’s top CEOs — not all of them personally household names, but the majority of them folks running big-name companies you will recognize. Past examples have included the bosses of Levi Strauss, Mars Chocolate North America, Grey North America, and pension fund TIAA-CREF. One of the series’ primary authors has just compiled an epic list — sorted by category — of some of the best of 500 nuggets of wisdom from some 168 business leaders. Categories include:
- Starting out
- Planning your ascent
- Picking the right job
- Hiring superstars
- Finding your moral compass
- Being a decent human being
- Building the business
- Practicing good office politics
And plenty more. It’s all pablum, but there are kernels of wisdom in there worth reading. We’re not so sure about the whole “print out these pages and uncap that highlighter” bit, though. Read: How to Succeed in Business While Really Trying.