How do you teach AI to watch a film?
Do encoders dream of electric sheep? (Or, how do you "teach" AI to watch a film?). We are now another step closer to Skynet. Far from teaching computers to want to destroy us all, this time AI has been taught to watch, recognize, and reconstruct a movie file. That’s right: AI is being taught to become a filmmaker. London-based machine learning researcher Terence Broad taught an algorithm how to recognize patterns that distinguish the movie Blade Runner from other films, encode it and then decompress it — a process which creates the size, format, and data for media files and allows us to play it back. Board’s computer replicated footage from Blade Runner so well that Warner Bros/ issued a DMCA takedown notice to the video streaming website Vimeo because it couldn’t tell the difference, according to Vox. This is particularly ironic given Blade Runner is about androids who cannot be distinguished from humans. You can watch the AI’s trailer side-by-side with the original trailer here (runtime: 3:09).