Egypt-Sudan tensions top coverage this morning
Our spat with Sudan made it to the international press and is leading coverage onEgypt this morning. A number of outlets and wires, including the Associated Press, are taking note of the new low in Sudanese-Egyptian relations over Sudan’s ban of Egyptian agricultural imports. Vox goes beyond the Halayeb and Shalatin dispute to focus on the serious accusations of destabilization both countries have traded. Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir has directly alleged that Egypt is arming rebels, and media chatter in Egypt sees Sudan accused alongside Qatar of seeking to destabilize Egyptian allies in Libya.
Coming in at a close second were wire pickups of Amnesty International’s latest rant about the NGO Act, which President Abdel Fattah El Sisi signed into law on Monday. Not lacking in hyperbole, the rights group describes the law as “Draconian” and says it “threatens to annihilate NGOs in the country.” Vice News is running similar reactions to those we noted yesterday: It’s all about Trump and how the timing of the passing indicates that the pressure from the previous US administration had stayed the Egyptian state’s hand in the past.