Beecroft addresses AmCham on US-Egypt military, economic ties
Dispatch from AmCham’s AGM: A speech from the US ambassador to Egypt. Enterprise attended the American Chamber of Commerce’s Annual General Meeting and Luncheon where outgoing President Anis Aclimandos handed the presidency to Tarek Tawfik. The new board of governors for 2017-19 was announced at the same gathering. The guest speaker was US Ambassador to Egypt Robert Stephen Beecroft. Takeaways from his remarks:
- Beecroft described the AmCham Doorknock mission as “impressive. … It truly plays an important role in keeping vital communications open and ensuring there is an accurate exchange of information and understanding of each other’s countries.”
- The successful mission indicates “new focus and new attention in and on a bilateral relationship,” which was clear in both presidents’ meeting in the US. The risk: That a “meeting becomes the high point in a relationship.” To avoid this, high-level meetings are taking place with “specific, meaningful engagement and partnership.”
- Beecroft mentioned upcoming visits from the US Department of Treasury and from The Office of the United States Trade Representative. The latter will be probably in July to “lay the groundwork for a resumption of talks” on a potential trade liberalization agreement.
- Planning is underway for the upcoming US-Egyptian Strategic Dialogue and Trade & Investment Framework Agreements talks. “We will work to open up markets and lower prices through competition for the benefit of both our countries.”
- Joint Bright Star military exercises will take place later in the year.
- A sign of US support to Egypt is that the US military assistance to Egypt has been “preserved at its current high level,” despite budget cuts.
- The US is, in effect, a friend of Egypt at international institutions including the IMF, the World Bank, and the EBRD
- The Overseas Private Investment Corporation and the Export-Import Bank of the United States are looking for new opportunities in Egypt.
- “The Unites States’ commitment to helping Egypt counter terrorism is firm and ongoing. I would also characterize it as eager.”