More from DC
President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s visit to DC was still the highlight of the night on the airwaves. El Sisi is expected by the local press to remain in DC until Friday, which would overlap with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit. The Chinese leader’s visit kicks off today.
AmCham Egypt President Anis Aclimandos expects an new interest in Egypt from mid-sized US companies after the trip. He spoke last night with DMC’s Osama Kamal (watch, runtime 12:06). US investors expressed a lot of interest in the Egyptian market, particularly after meeting with El Sisi, Ittihadiya Spokesperson Alaa Youssef told Yahduth Fi Misr’s Sherif Amer .
Over on Kol Youm, Amr Adib played a short clip of El Sisi’s interview with Fox News in which the president talks about working with the Donald Trump administration on counter-terrorism, as well as Russia’s involvement in Syria (watch, runtime 3:57). (We have more on the interview in Speed Round, below).
The host then moved on to developments in the Investment Act, which MP Mohamed Badrawi said was in the final round of discussions, explaining that the House of Representatives is waiting on government input on a few points before sending the bill to a plenary session for a vote next week (watch, runtime 2:20). That is not the impression we are getting in the news on the act (more in Legislation + Policy)
And because the night would not be complete without at least one reference to food, Adib aired a report on the rising prices of fish, which lately has been causing a stir (watch, runtime 12:53). Fish vendors blame wholesalers for the surge.
Hona Al Asema’s Lamees El Hadidi was off last night.