Cabinet to discuss draft investment act tomorrow
The Ismail cabinet will discuss a final draft of the new Investment Act at its weekly meeting tomorrow. Meanwhile, some in government continue to wage war against using tax exemptions as investment incentives, with an unnamed Finance Ministry official allegedly having told Al Shorouk that “tax exemptions leave room for more corruption.” The statement echoes former minister Hany Dimian, who opposed free zones on the grounds that they encourage customs evasion. The source added that the ministry is in talks with the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) to come up with investment incentives that don’t entail tax exemptions — and thereby defeat the purpose of the legislation. Head of GAFI Mohamed Khodeir, however, argued that the new law aims to decrease tax evasion and fraud, and offers closely regulated temporary tax exemptions. The story does not make clear whether the objection is the position of the Finance Ministry or statements from a lone Dimian loyalist.