Why being “feminist” is still considered taboo
The “taboo” of feminism: Why is feminism still regarded as a word to avoid, the BBC’s Katy Watson asks? There is still a gender-pay gap and a corporate and political glass ceiling to break. Watson also looks into why using the word “empowerment” is proving to be more palatable, with its bigger focus on individual achievements rather than a collective movement for equal rights. “Empowerment,” as one commentator argues, shifts the onus from society, which is not providing women and minorities with equal treatment, to individuals being asked to “improve” certain aspects about themselves. In this episode, Watson, besides exploring her own feminist journey, hears from the self-styled “factual feminist” Christina Hoff Sommers, of the American Enterprise Institute, on why modern feminists may have gone too far. She speaks to the feminist campaigners behind the iconic Ms Magazine, as well as the co-founder of Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls, Meredith Walker, who explains why young girls need better role models, especially online. Watson also travels to the Hollywood Hills to see positive body image pioneer, Jess Weiner, who helped reshape Barbie into a more human-looking form, and has become an iconic figure in the battle for confidence (runtime 29:45).
And speaking of women’s experience in the workplace: The McKinsey Podcast found that company gender-diversity programs are falling short and need to “think differently to ignite change” (runtime 21:25)