Why are so many BASE jumpers dying
“I even watched one of these deaths in real time, live-streamed on Facebook. The video opens with him stepping into a wingsuit. He speaks in German. He gives the finger to the camera and grins. He zips up his suit, flashing more smiles with a sort of nervous or excited energy, the kind you might associate with a child opening a birthday gift. ‘Today you fly with me,’ he says in German. He waves into his outstretched phone. The video goes dark as the phone is now inside his wingsuit, ostensibly in his hand, and still live-streaming to Facebook. Now I hear a whoosh of air. The sound of airflow grows, reaching a ferocious decibel. The turbulent din lasts no more than a few seconds. Suddenly I hear the man emit an acute bellow. Then, pandemonium. He’s tumbling and tumbling. I hear cowbells. The tumbling stops. It’s silent. … More silence. Then long, low, soft moans. Then all that is left is cowbells.” Read: Why Are So Many BASE Jumpers Dying? In National Geographic.