Cairo: One of 10 cities where living standards have “gone through the floor” in the last 5 years…
How un-liveable is Cairo? The Economist Intelligence Unit’s ranking of the world’s most and least liveable cities is out, with Melbourne, Vienna, Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary holding down the top five posts. At the bottom of the list: Damascus is the world’s least-liveable city, the EIU says (probably because they’ve never been to Raqqa), followed by Tripoli, Lagos, Dhaka and Port Moresby. Where does Cairo rank? Although the EIU’s highlights of the report have been published, we’ve yet to find the full ranking online. Our score of 53 this year is the same as last — which saw us ranked #121 out of 140 cities last year — but we have the distinction of being on the list of “10 cities where living standards have gone through the floor in the last 5 years.” Or check out the 10 top and bottom cities on the list, and take heart that at least we’re ranked higher than Algiers…