Bikinis and the Economist: A slow day for Egypt on the international front.
A quiet day on the international front: As a measure of how slow a news day it has been for Egypt in the international press, pickup of the Egypt vs. Germany women’s beach volleyball match pitting conservatively attired Egyptians against bikini-clad Germans heavily outnumbers pickup of the AP’s story on Egypt proposing an 18-month reform program to the IMF. There’s never been a bikini photo the Daily Mail didn’t love, so it naturally has the most extensive coverage with its ever-classy “The cover-ups versus the cover-nots: Egyptian and German beach volleyball players highlight the massive cultural divide between Western and Islamic women’s teams.”
Please don’t get us started on the headline. Please.
Elsewhere: You knew it was coming: The Foreign Ministry’s retort to The Economist’s “The Ruining of Egypt” is at last out. Read it here on the MFA blog: “The Ruining of The Economist.”