Flossing, stretching largely oversold
Speaking of unexpected health news: Confirming everyone’s gut instinct (and validating our laziness), there’s apparently no evidence to back up efficacy of flossing. The AP’s Jeff Donn filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the US government asking them what exactly the evidence was that shows flossing is necessary for oral health. Their response? They don’t have any. (If you geek out about journalism: Poynter has the story behind the story here.)
More surprising is the fact that the benefits of stretching have been overstated. "For the research that’s been done up to now, it looks like there’s little or no effect on injury, and a very small beneficial effect of stretching on soreness — but that’s probably so small most people wouldn’t be able to perceive it,” according to stretching expert (yes, that is apparently a thing) Rob Herbert. On the bright side, that’s two things you no longer have to think about on the daily.