What we’re tracking today
Beltone Financial’s general assembly will meet today to vote on converting up to 33% of the company’s capital to GDRs, Al Borsa reports. The assembly will also discuss and the procedures for the EGP 1 bn capital increase and the acquisition of a 51% stake in New York-based global agency broker Auerbach Grayson, which Beltone picked up after AG quietly put itself up for sale.
U.S. President Barack Obama has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president and urged Bernie Sanders in an Oval Office meeting on Thursday to funnel his campaign supporters behind her to unite the Democratic party, according to the New York Times. At a Washington rally later in the day, Sanders urged voters there to go to the polls in their primary on Tuesday “and to keep pushing for a political revolution.”
When do we eat? Iftar will be at 6:57pm CLT today, while the cut-off for sohour will be at 3:08am CLT, according to Islamic Finder. (And at least one of us over here is pretty excited that iftar tomorrow just happens to be the same time as the keynote for Apple’s 2016 Worldwide Developers Conference gets underway. It’s most likely going to be all about software, but that hasn’t stopped us to muttering incantations, prayers and invocations for a redesigned MacBook Pro…)