Press Syndicate engages House of Representatives over police raid
The Press Syndicate handed a letter to the House Media Committee outlining its version of events concerning the raid against its headquarters on 1 May to capture journalists Amr Badr and Mahmoud El Sakka. The letter, tabled during a meeting between parliamentarians and syndicate leaders, states that the two did arrive at the syndicate’s headquarters on 30 April shortly after their homes were searched by the Interior Ministry with the syndicate’s head Yahia Qalash’s knowledge. “As per standard protocol,” Qalash then phoned the syndicate’s lawyers and the Interior Ministry to inquire about the authenticity of the warrant and to coordinate the handover of the suspects. It was during this time that the Interior Ministry raided the building without warning. The letter follows one sent to the house by the Interior Ministry stating that no raid had taken place, and that Qalash gave sanctuary to the two wanted journalists knowing that there was a warrant for their arrest. The letter maintains that the raid was illegal and provides a lengthy explanation as to why.